Plant Feed & Bug Control

VISIT OUR ONLINE SHOP FOR OUR RANGE OF PLANT FEEDS & BUG CONTROLS Please note: to browse our current available stock of plant feeds & bug controls, visit our online shop and hunt in our Other Kit section. Plant Feed & Bug Control After many years of refining our approach to the health of the…

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The White Glossary

‘The White Glossary’ For the curious and hungry-for-knowledge, the glossary is stuffed with things you need to know to become a gardener. We make a point to weave, thread and insinuate horticultural, meteorological, botanical, geological and evolutionary knowledge through everything we say, write and do. For us this is as much an essential professional horticultural…

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Our Team

GUY WATTS OWNER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR Guy’s connection with Architectural Plants began as a boy. It spans Saturdays, school holidays and post university before the lure of the sea took him rowing the Indian Ocean in 2009. In 2011 he co-founded the charity Streetscape, created to train young people for careers in horticulture. Returning to…

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About Indoor / House Plants

Indoor / House Plants If you’re reading this you’re human (presumably) and if you’re human, you may have a room that you think of as warm, comfortable and light. A plant might disagree with you. It’ll probably think your room is dark, dry and not particularly comfortable. Living in a pot in a house is…

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Sempervivum calcereum

Familiar spiky little rosettes 0.4ft across. Grow these in profusion amongst your yuccas and other succulents. Or even on your roof. Tremendously tough and satisfying. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Green

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Beschorneria yuccoides

Spiky looking but soft tulip-like leaves all the way from the mountains of Mexico. Remarkable and dramatic red eruptions (flowers) in spring. For reasonably mild gardens. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.

Hardiness traffic light amber

Hardiness level Amber

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Frequently Asked Questions

Index : 1.”How fast does it grow?“…2.”How big does it get?“…3.”How old is it?“…4.”Is there anything I can grow on clay?“…5.”What if it dies?“…6.”Why do I kill everything?“…7.”What happens if I remove a dead branch from a piece of topiary?“…8.”Can I move it?“…9.“Can I mend it?”…10.”How do I protect plants in the winter?” Frequent Questions:…

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Creative Maintenance

Creative Maintenance What does it mean? The best way we’ve found of explaining it is by imagining going up to a plant and saying, ‘You’re a nice plant, but is there anything I can do to make you look even nicer?’ In most cases, the answer is a resounding, ‘Yes’. Raising, thinning and shaping the…

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The How To Bit

Index : 1.How to Plant…2.How to Stake & Guy…3.How to Clip…4.How to Water…5.How to Grow Indoor Plants…6.How to Grow Conservatory Plant…7.How to Grow Plants in Pots…8.How to understand how Plants Grow…9.How to Control Pests & Diseases…10.How to understand Creative Maintenance…11.How to stop worrying about Roots & Foundations…12.How to stop worrying it’s going to die…13.How to…

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