Maxicrop plus sequestered iron

£12.00 incl. VAT

This nutrient booster will perk-up any struggling iron-feeders you have as well as aiding growth in difficult soil.

20 in stock


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This nutrient booster will perk-up any struggling iron-feeders you have as well as aiding growth in difficult soil. Yellowing between the leaf veins is the first sign that your plants are in need of a slug of this. We use it to produce richer foliage on the leaves of our Ilex crenata ‘Niwaki’Magnolia grandiflora, and Citrus trees. It also helps nurture a more intense flower colour on our RhododendronsAzaleasCamellias and other acid loving plants.

  • Natural seaweed extract-based liquid plant feed
  • 2% iron
  • Simply add to water and apply with watering can or sprayer
  • Full dosage rates and application instructions on bottle
  • Completely organic
  • Availble in 1L

Additional Information

Weight 1150 g

A plant lovers dream…
It is an absolutely wonderful treasure trove for any plant lover and we will be back (frequently!) The plants are all in superb condition, with an enormous variety to choose from. The staff are very professional and knowledgable, but also friendly and helpful.