Eucalyptus coccifera . (Tasmanian Snow Gum)

£82.50 incl. VAT

If you like peppermint you will love this tree as the long, slender grey-green foliage emits a strong minty scent. The trunk is a patchwork of silver, grey and white, often with brown striations. The habit is variable as some trees grow shorter and wider while others grow taller to 15m.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Green


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Tasmanian Snow Gum. It sounds chewy, doesn't it? In fact if you like peppermint you will love this tree as the long, slender grey-green foliage emits a powerful minty scent when rubbed. On hot sunny days as the oils in the tree simmer you’ll get wafts of it from quite far away: delightful. 

These trees come from the subalpine and alpine regions of Tasmania, often right up by the snow line. Its habit is variable as some trees grow shorter and wider while others grow taller to 15m. We suppose that’s in response to a variable native habitat and natural ability to manage under some quite severe extremes

A typical Eucalypt in many ways, its smooth trunk becomes a silver, grey and white patchwork with tawny splodges and peeling bits that are impossible to resist fondling. You’ll plant it within arms-reach, won't you? The lanceolate leaves droop from the stems in a slightly lacrimose manner but their matte-effect tremble and shimmer is beautiful.

Popular with florists as it’s long-lasting in flower arrangements but we think is even better in the garden: it has the potential to become a large and handsome specimen tree and suits a Mediterranean garden especially well. Happy on any soil that’s reasonably-drained, but must have full sun.

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Continent of Origin

Specialist Plants




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How fast does Eucalyptus coccifera grow?

Moderately fast-growing, this tree can be coppiced to encourage a multi-stemmed ‘mallee’ (Aussie for many-stemmed shrub) .

How do you take care of Eucalyptus coccifera?

low-maintenance medium sized evergreen tree or large shrub from Tasmania. Known for being very hardy in the UK, it will take temps down to -10C or so.

How tall do Eucalyptus coccifera grow?

The habit is variable as some trees grow shorter and wider while others grow taller to 15m. 

Do Eucalyptus coccifera prefer sun or shade?

Full sun (Space and Light)

Is Eucalyptus coccifera an indoor or outdoor plant?


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It is an absolutely wonderful treasure trove for any plant lover and we will be back (frequently!) The plants are all in superb condition, with an enormous variety to choose from. The staff are very professional and knowledgable, but also friendly and helpful.