The Plants
Showing 25–36 of 128 results
Cordyline indivisa Mountain Cabbage Tree
Corokia Cotoneaster Korokia or Wire Netting Bush
Corokia x virgata Apparently Hybrid Wire Netting bush but sounds horrible
Corokia X Virgata ‘Sunsplash’ Wire Bush
Cunninghamia Lanceolata Chinese Fir
Cyperus alternifolius Dwarf Papyrus
Dasylirion acrotrichum Great Desert Spoon
Drimys winteri Winter's Bark
Edgeworthia chrysantha Paper Bush or Worthingtonia
Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Grandiflora’ Japanese Paperbush or Worthingtonia
Elegia Elephantina Cape Rush
Eriobotrya Deflexa ‘Coppertone’