The Plants
Showing 277–288 of 645 results
Hebe parviflora angustifolia Narrow Leafed Hebe
From 19.50
Hebe sutherlandii .
From 42.50
Hedera canariensis . Canary Island Ivy
Hedera colchicha dentata ‘Variegata’ Variegated Persian Ivy
Hedera helix ‘Tres Coupe’
From 12.50
Hedera helix marginata Elegantissima Variegated Ivy
Hedychium coccineum ‘Tara’ Ginger Lily
Hedychium forrestii Ginger Lily
Hedychium gardnerianum Kahili ginger
Helichrysum italicum Curry plant
Helichrysum orientale Yellow Immortelle
Helleborus foetidus Stinking Hellebore