How do you define a shrub? Most of the plants we grow could be defined as a shrub – a woody plant that has lower growth and is smaller than a tree. We are known for manicuring plants and redirecting their growth for sculptural effect thus deliberately forcing them into this category. This is the art of creative maintenance: where a shrub is trained and shaped into exciting different forms to become more than simply the sum of its parts (but not a tree). Our range of different Pittosporum tenuifolium or Osmanthus are good examples of this – as are our Ligustrum japonicum ‘Texanum’, dwarf pines or collection of Hebes which we like to train into pillows, blobs, and balls. It’s an extremely broad category.
Showing 1–12 of 254 results
From 34.00
Acacia pravissima Oven's Wattle
Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Firecracker’
Amelanchier canadensis Sugar Plum
Arbutus glandulosa Texas Medrone
Arbutus unedo Kilarney Strawberry Tree
From 144.00
Arbutus x andrachnoides Red Barked Strawberry Tree
From 34.00
Aucuba japonica ‘Crassifolia’ . Japanese Laurel
From 28.50
Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ Spotted Laurel
From 28.50
Aucuba japonica ‘longifolia’
Azalea japonica – Various
Azara microphylla Vanilla Tree
Baccharis patagonica