We have a refined palette of edible plants. We favour a few reliable exotics that will, if treated right, produce fruit in our British climate without you having to qualify as a professional commercial grower. However, like our Ficus carica (Fig) or select citrus trees, we have chosen them for their foliage as much as the bonus of something sweet and exciting to pick as you wander your garden.
Showing 1–12 of 19 results
Arbutus glandulosa Texas Medrone
Arbutus unedo Kilarney Strawberry Tree
From 144.00
Arbutus x andrachnoides Red Barked Strawberry Tree
Citrus Sinensis Sweet Orange
Diospyros kaki Kaki or Persimmon or Sharon Fruit
Ficus carica Fig
Hippophae Rhamnoides Sea Buckthorn
Laurus nobilis Common Bay
Laurus nobilis – Ball Common Bay
From 34.00
Laurus nobilis – Hedging Common Bay
From 495.00
Laurus nobilis – Multi Stems Common Bay
From 97.50
Laurus nobilis – Standards Common Bay