Plant Placeholder

Aeonium Ciliatum

arge rosettes, up to 30cms of green leaves with slightly frilly edges that go red in the sun. The plant branches freely and the head can become quite top-heavy,. In some summers, it can produce a spike of small creamy flowers above the foliage.

It is not frost hardy so best in a pot so it can be overwintered indoors. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Feed lightly and water in the spring when it begins to grow. A bright spot but not in blazing sun.

Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Red

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Musa basjoo .

Implausible though it sounds – a hardy Banana from Japan. Best in shade and sheltered from wind. Leaves get frosted but always come back in the spring. To 15ft in 3 years.

Hardiness traffic light amber

Hardiness level Amber

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Taxus baccata - Pyramids

Taxus baccata – Pyramids

Our topiary yew pyramids provide vertical drama all year round. Immediately eye-catching, not much else shows off the angular and textural versatility of Taxus baccata quite so succinctly. Evergreen, there are two options: keep meticulously clipped twice a year and the pyramid surfaces and edges can look crisp and dynamic: leave unclipped for a longer period of time (most definitely don’t just leave it untamed) and the surface form can be fluffy and tactile.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Green

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Melissofraska Cretan Pot

Hand made on the Island of Crete, using techniques and styles that have not changed for nearly 4,000 years. These frost proof pots make a fabulous, larger than life statement in any garden. All measurements are approximate as hand-made pieces may vary slightly….

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Echeveria ‘Black Prince’

A beautiful form of Echeveria with a green centre surrounded by pointy-tipped leaves that become increasingly purple as they mature. The rosettes can grow to 10cms across and produce deep red flower spikes in summer. Ideal for the conservatory. Pot into well drained soil, water sparingly and do not let water pool on the foliage. Hardy in sunny and VERY well drained spots in warm gardens e.g. central London, Cornwall and coastal areas. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Red

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Cistus Populifolius

Though each flower only lasts a day, from early to late summer, the red sepals of the buds open to reveal crinkly white tissue paper flowers with bright yellow stamens.

Bees love them. The evergreen foliage is aromatic and the plant could reach 1 to 1.5m where it is happy.

Grow this in full sun on well drained, even poor soils – think Mediterranean. They dislike root disturbance, heavy pruning and limey soils. Can be short lived.

Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.

Hardiness traffic light amber

Hardiness level Amber

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Citrus Sinensis

Edible Orange which needs to be grown in a conservatory or an orangery if you’re posh.  Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Red

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Florentine Terracini

Florentine Terracini Pots are beautiful classical pot planters hand crafted in terracotta before being fired in high-powered gas kilns. Styled in the classic Tuscan manner but with updated manufacturing techniques mean they are extremely durable with consistent colouration….

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