Creative Maintenance
The Art of Beautiful Forms, Clean Lines and Exciting Shapes
Creative Maintenance
What does it mean? The best way we’ve found of explaining it is by imagining going up to a plant and saying, ‘You’re a nice plant, but is there anything I can do to make you look even nicer?’
In most cases, the answer is a resounding, ‘Yes’. Raising, thinning and shaping the crowns of trees and shrubs, removing the tired old leaves on palms and yuccas – you’ll see many examples on our site. It’s all to do with producing a garden of beautifully sculpted plants and a look of well-groomed verdancy, which is what Architectural Plants is all about anyway.
Most of the techniques that we’ve developed over the last 30-odd years are borrowed from nature. If you look at a garden that’s been creatively maintained by us and yet it still looks completely natural, then we have succeeded.
Sam leads the way with an excellent eye for clean lines and perfect symmetry. He is also highly creative and always keen to give you garden a unique accent should you be daring enough. He is supported by James but should the job require additional clippers, they have our pool of experts to call on – all of whom also regularly maintain the wide range of plants and trees we have at the nursery. We hope you might meet Linda who shapes and trains Niwaki, or Colin, the master of Cupressus sempervirens and blobberies, or Guy and Matt our foremost authorities on Trachycarpus care and stripping.

To take the next step with your Garden Design, Planting or Creative Maintenance plans complete our design enquiry form opposite and one of our team will get in touch.
There is the option to attach any plans you have available and photos of your garden that include the following: the garden from the house, the house from the garden, from upstairs, from downstairs, your neighbours’ gardens and most importantly, views of the access.
For all other enquiries visit our contact page
Ask about our creative maintenance service